Dra. Shirin Djavanmardi

Medical license number: 08/35399
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from University of Sousse (Tunisia) in 1996. Ophthalmology Specialty Training (1996-2000) at university hospitals in Tunisia and Barraquer Clinic in Barcelona. Recognition of Medicine and Ophthalmology degrees and granting of Spanish equivalence in 2000/2002.
General ophthalmologist at ICO (Barcelona). Has worked in the ICO A&E Unit and the ICO Glaucoma Unit since 2008.
Academic training
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree from University of Sousse (Tunisia) in 1996.
- Ophthalmology Specialty Training (1996-2000) at the following university hospitals (H. F. Hached in Sousse, H. F. Bourguiba in Monastir, H. Bourguiba in Sfax and Barraquer Clinic in Barcelona).
- Ophthalmology Specialty Training (Tunisia 2000), granted Spanish equivalence in 2002.
- Doctoral thesis on ophthalmology in 1999: on Diagnostic strategies for a choroidal tumour in 36 clinical cases, with honours and congratulations from the judging panel and nominated for the national thesis award.
- Graduate from the Barraquer University Institute for completing two MASTER degrees in “Patología y Cirugía del segmento anterior y posterior del globo ocular” (2000-2002), awarded Notable (“very good”) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Professional activity
- General ophthalmologist at the CAP of “Vila Olímpica” - Barcelona - (2001-2002).
- General ophthalmologist, at the Sant Félix hospital, Sabadell-(2003).
- General ophthalmologist at the Rubí Policlínic (2003-2004).
- General ophthalmologist at the Castelldefels Policlínic-(2004).
- General ophthalmologist at the Barraquer Barcelona clinic (2004).
- General ophthalmologist at “Instituto Oftalmológico Clinsafa: IOC” (Sagrada Familia Clinic), Barcelona (2005).
- General ophthalmologist at the Noguer ophthalmological center. Barcelona (2006-2015).
- General ophthalmologist and Glaucoma specialist at the “Comtal Institute of Oftalmology”: ICO, Barcelona. Head of the international department of ICO (2008-present 2023).
- General ophthalmologist at Badamedic Badalona (2014-2019).
- General ophthalmologist at the “Sanitas Robresa” center in Barcelona (2017-present 2023).
- General ophthalmologist at the Policlínic Torreblanca in Sant Cugat (2017- present 2023).
- General ophthalmologist and glaucome specialist in France to reduce the waiting list for social security. (2020-present 2023).
- Good Clinical Practice Training for Site Staff Course, European Centre for Clinical Research Training, Puurs, Belgium, 2011. Basics for clinical research.
- Protocol Training Session and investigators meeting for both Brinz/Brim C-10-040 and C-10-041 Studies (Alcon: Research and Development), Rome, Italy, 2012.
- Participation in numerous clinical trials as co-investigator: Pascal DCT-GAT vs. Ganfort Study (2011) and Lumigan Study (Allergan: 2011 to date), Brinz/Brim Study (Alcon: 2012-2013).
- Collaborating researcher on several active research projects on glaucoma (Drainage tubes, trabeculoplasty SLT: Real-life Effectiveness and Safety of one session of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) as Initial, Adjunctive, and Substitutive Therapy) Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology).
- Multiple communications at national and international conferences and several publications in national and international magazines.
- Multiple attendance at national and international courses and conferences.
- Maculopathie de Valsalva à propos d’une observation; Journal Tunisien d’Optalmologie, vol 2, N8, March 1998:29-31.
- Occlusion artérielle et neuropathie optique par hématome intra-orbitaire post-traumatique; Journal Tunisien d’Optalmologie, vol 2, N8, March 1998: 42-45.
- Nystagmus congenital unilateral relevant un gliome de voies optiques. Journal Tunisien d’Optalmologie, vol 2, N8, March 1998: 58-61.
- Drusen papillaires au cours du pseudo-xanthome élastique; Ophtalmologie 1998, 2, 101-104.
- Manifestations oculaires dans l’ataxie-télangiectasie; Ophtalmologie 1998, 2, 101-104.
- Collyres et surface oculaire: Effets au long cours; Maghreb Médical, No. 332, January 1999, 34-35.
- Apport de l’ intubation bicanaliculo-nasale dans le traitement des atrésies méatiques; Journal Tunisien d’Optalmologie, vol 2, N8, March 1999, 46-50.
- Distrofias coroideas peripapilares: problemas de diagnostic diferencial; Revista d’or de oftalomología, 1st quarter 2000: 23-30.
- La distrofia corneal anular; Revista d’or de oftalomología, 3rd quarter 2000: 29-33.
- Indicaciones de la queratoplastia penetrante en el queratocono; research paper for the Postgraduate Master degree course in “Patología y Cirugía del segmento anterior” (“Anterior segment pathology and surgery”) from Barraquer University Institute, 2000-2002.
- Las asociaciones patológicas en las oclusiones venosas de retina; research paper for the Postgraduate Master in “Patología y Cirugía del segmento posterior” from Barraquer University Institute, 2000-2002.
Areas of interest
Anterior segment pathology, with special interest in glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Ocular emergencies
Activities in Solidarity Organizations
Volunteer at the Elena Barraquer Foundation to eradicate avoidable blindness due to cataracts: “No more cataracts” campaign, she participated in two expeditions in Africa in Niger (2018) and in Senegal (2019).
Languages spoken
- Persian
- Arabic
- French
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan (basic level)
- Italian (basic level)